The ISF Conference 2020 took place 16-19th November as a virtual event, having initially been scheduled to take place in Poland. The virtual experience was extremely impressive and the technology ran throughout each day without fault. Other than the inability to see or talk to actual people all the key components were there, with full bio’s on all the speakers, key note sessions, a library to browse and download ISF white-papers and materials, auditorium, which you entered to here the key note speakers, break-out rooms and interactive workshops via zoom. Chapter Officer Liz Banbury had the following to say about the event.
Continue reading “ISF Conference 2020”(ISC)2 London Chapter Member Meeting – 9th December

The (ISC)2 London Chapter team cordially invites you to attend our 2020 Q4 members meeting. Due to the current restriction in place, this meeting will be held online.
Please sign up at our EventBrite page
Continue reading “(ISC)2 London Chapter Member Meeting – 9th December”(ISC)2 Congress 2019

October 28th to 30th saw the 2019 (ISC)2 Congress hit the magical word of Walt Disney World in Florida for 3 days of inspirational speakers, entertaining shows and thought-provoking seminars. With over 2,500 attendees, including 150 students, there was a little bit of something for everyone!
The inspirational key notes included Capt. “Sully” Sullenberger, who ever so eloquently articulated how he called upon his mental resilience to avert certain aviation disaster, through to Erik Wahl who portrayed (literally) how to abstract creativity that is within each and every one of us and apply this rule-breaking thinking to the world of security.
Continue reading “(ISC)2 Congress 2019”December 4th 2019 – Positivity in Cyber Security!
Our Speakers
Rory Innes, Founder & CEO, The Cyber Helpline

Rory has spent his whole career in cybersecurity and has worked for leading global cybersecurity companies in a range of senior management positions. He was responsible for building one of the first cybersecurity practices dedicated to helping individuals & families, rather than businesses. During this time he and his team of experts worked for a number of rich and famous individuals globally to respond to cybersecurity incidents and help put good security in place. However, Rory saw the need to bring expert advice to everyone and The Cyber Helpline was born. The Cyber Helpline wants a UK where the cyber-criminals don’t win and is on a mission to make sure everyone has free access to expert help when they need it.
Roy will be talking about ‘The Cyber Helpline: Using humans & robots to help victims of cybercrime. ‘
Colonel Christopher Stuart MacGregor, Assistant Head, Army Media & Communications

Colonel Christopher Stuart MacGregor, (late KRH / RWxY) was educated at Brighton College and the Universities of Birmingham, Cranfield and Reading, where he has read Psychology (BSc), Defence Administration (MDA) and International Relations and Strategy (MA). He was commissioned into the King’s Royal Hussars, a main battle tank regiment, in July 1996 and has risen through the ranks to Colonel. Chris has been employed within Army HQ and the Defence Safety Authority with a focus on organisational learning, continuous improvement and innovation. In September 2018, Colonel MacGregor assumed as Colonel, Army Media and Communications. He is a futurist, passionate about blockchain, trusted networks, knowledge management, internal communications and professionalising the Army’s approach to communications.
Our Panelists
Deshini Newman, Managing director EMEA at (ISC)²

Deshini Newman is managing director EMEA at (ISC)², supporting its members and global mission. An education leader, Deshini has held roles at Edexcel, Pearson and Cambridge Assessment English. Deshini is also one of SC Magazine’s 50 Women of Influence in Cybersecurity for 2019.
Darren Argyle, Group Chief Information Security Risk Officer, Standard Chartered

Darren is an accomplished executive with close to 20 years of international cyber risk and security experience. He was recently appointed as Ambassador for the Global Cyber Alliance in recognition of his collaborative work advising small businesses on critical measures they can apply to defend against cyber-attacks. Darren is also currently serving on the executive advisory board for cyber at Australia’s Deakin University and is the Group Chief Information Security Risk Officer at Standard Chartered Bank, based in Singapore.
Goher Mohammad, Head of Information Security, L&Q Group

Making his mark as one of the youngest IT leaders in Omnicom Group back in 2004, Goher has a huge passion for Technology and Information and Cyber Security with a drive not just do things well but do things better. Having had to deal with more comprehensive but secure and controlled structures in Citibank and Merrill Corporation to more agile environments within Omnicomgroup and Photobox Group Security, the next step for him is how to combine the best of both. Now at L&Q, the goal is to bring information and cyber security to the next level to meet the demands and ambitions of the organisation. A keen diver, traveller keen to explore the world, Goher also loves play retro video games and not so secretly is a complete tech geek. Deep down, his inquisitive nature is always looking to understand the inner workings of everything that’s around and in turn, how can it be made better.
Nazim Ali – Information Security Professional and Leader

A leading security and IT professional with over 10 year’s experience, currently working for a Big 4 professional services firm, with subject matter expertise across the security architecture, security operations and security compliance and governance domains – with a strong focus on cloud security for digital products, whilst trying to make security fun!
Safe and Secure Online – Libraries Week 2019
As part of the Chapters Education strategy on October 9th 2019 (ISC)2 London Chapter Media Officer Richard Carpenter delivered a Safe and Secure Online Seniors session for a small group of Seniors as part of 2019’s Libraries Week focusing on ‘Celebrating Libraries in a Digital World’.
Continue reading “Safe and Secure Online – Libraries Week 2019”Security Industry Challenges – Keys to the Future Event
Wednesday 31st July saw the first large-scale collaborative event between the (ISC)2 London Chapter, ISSA-UK and the Cloud Security Alliance [CSA], in which AON sponsored the event and provided the venue at their premises at Leadenhall. The theme of the day was Industry Challenges: Keys to the Future and it was a full house with all seats being taken up. Over 200 like-minded cybersecurity professionals and interested persons came to hear a variety of speakers followed up by a panel of SME’s who answered a range of questions directed to them by the audience!
Continue reading “Security Industry Challenges – Keys to the Future Event”Cyber Strategy for the UK Workshop
The Royal United Service Institute [RUSI] in collaboration with the National Cyber Security Centre [NCSC] held its annual workshop at their Whitehall premises to discuss the future of Cyber Strategy for the UK.
This year two workshops took place on the 25th June and 12th July, to which ICS2 London Chapter Secretary Liz Banbury was invited, along with 39 other individuals from a variety of sectors: The UK Government defence department; NCSC; Department for Digital; Culture, Media and Sport [DCMS] and Cyber Security Professionals for Academia, Public and Private sector organisations.
Key Questions are asked in each workshop to address both how the UK can better respond to National Cyber Incidents and around how what the UK can do to ensure that it is taking a stronger lead-in Cyber Security on the Global playing field.
Continue reading “Cyber Strategy for the UK Workshop”(ISC)2 London Chapter Member Meeting – 19th June
19th June, the London Chapter hosted their 2nd member meeting of the year at the now well know venue of WeWorks @ Moorgate, courtesy of DeepSecure and was extremely well attended with the occupation at full capacity!
Continue reading “(ISC)2 London Chapter Member Meeting – 19th June”PeepSEC Online Summit

PeepSec is the world’s first and only 100% free, 100% online summit focused on the opportunities and issues born from the interactions between people and technology – issues such as cyber security, trust, social impact, privacy, innovation and ethics.
As part of the unique event James Packer [ICS2 London Chapter President] and Liz Banbury [ISC2 London Chapter Secretary] were invited, along with 23 others from organisations such as Standard Chartered, TechUK, the Bank of England and the NCSC to share their insights on how Technology is changing and with specific emphasis on the impact it has on People.
Continue reading “PeepSEC Online Summit”ISC2 Summit EMEA 2019
April the 15th and 16th saw the (ISC)2 Secure Summit EMEA arrive at The Hague in the Netherlands. Hosted in the fabulous World Forum venue, shrouded in history and culture and next door to Europol and EuroJust; over 400 delegates attended from across the EMEA region.
Across the two days, speakers covered topics ranging from the reason to be optimistic in security, through to automating incident response. High energy workshops discussed the future of security, an insight into the cyber operations of the London Police and even, a trip to the South Pole!
Continue reading “ISC2 Summit EMEA 2019”