Infoblox Academy courses & promo codes

Following our recent in person event, InfoBlox have offered chapter members discounted access to their CPE eligible training material.
DDIP: DDI Professional (Instructor-led)
Understand the fundamental concepts of today’s DDI environment that is the bedrock on which modern network operations and security rely on. Establish the baseline knowledge necessary to prepare for understanding, deploying, operating, and maintaining a DDI environment.
Use promo code ddip
DIS: DNS Infrastructure Security (On-Demand)
Understand security considerations for the modern DNS environment. This course covers major areas of the DNS infrastructure service, threats against each area, mitigations and defense options, and other security-related topics.
Use promo code dis
DSP: DNS for Security Practitioners (On-Demand)
Understand how DNS is abused by attackers to compromise network security, and the techniques to mitigate those risks. Learn how attacks are executed through case studies and protocol analysis, gain deep understanding of the attacker’s mind set, and design defense strategies that strike at the core of DNS-based exploits and tactics.
Use promo code dsp
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